Q&A with Breckenridge Candidate: Carol Saade

March 11, 2022


How long have you lived in the town you're campaigning in?

  • 10 years or longer


What is your occupation?

Public affairs consultant


What experience qualifies you for a town council position?

I am committed, competent, and I know how to get things done. I have been a member of this community for over 12 years. I work full-time and I have a history of locally serving on boards and volunteering my time – exposing me to various local issues and building my leadership experience. I have strong relationships with a diversity of individuals in our community - business owners, long-time locals, part-time residents, immigrants, new residents, and visitors. As a council member, I listen and proactively seek input from those impacted by policy to make decisions.As the youngest council member and candidate, I bring the perspective of someone who has just hit their stride professionally and personally. I’m experiencing many of the same challenges other long-term residents face as we build a permanent and fulfilling life. I currently work for a small local public affairs firm. This has given me a deep understanding of how to listen to and engage community members and how to be an impactful leader in local government, collaborating with partner organizations and industry voices to shape policy and create positive change for our community.As a current council member, I fully understand the dedication and time commitment needed, and the gravity of being in this decision-making role.


What changes would you like to see in Summit County? Your town?

We have an incredible community and there are many ways we can improve. Some of my priorities are supporting our workforce residents and creating pathways for success, building and reinforcing community connections, and managing our capacity for the future.


What is your experience with vacation rentals?

I have friends and neighbors whose jobs and businesses are dependent on them. I’ve had family and friends stay in them. I have lived next to them. I’ve served people who are staying in them at Clint’s. I have stayed in them.


What impact do you feel the vacation rental industry has in Summit County? Your town?

The vacation rental industry has long been an important part of Summit County, in providing a bed base for overnight visitors that help fuel our economy. I believe our housing stock should remain balanced for the various uses in our community – workforce and other full-time residents, part time residents, and visitors.


How do you feel about the current taxes in place for vacation rentals? Do you think more should be added? Do you think any should be reduced?

I do not believe the local taxes should be modified at this time – however any tax change in Colorado would have to go to the voters and I would respect the will of the voters. Additionally, I believe it’s imperative that we remain agile - that our community continues to monitor the dynamic at the state level and how new legislation or taxes might impact the local short term rental market.


Do you believe we have a workforce housing problem in Summit County? And, if so: what are your suggestions to increase workforce housing?

Yes, a lack of workforce housing is a significant issue impacting our residents and businesses. Currently there are an unprecedented amount of state and federal grants to leverage workforce housing. I believe in pursuing and evaluating creative options like Landing Locals (incentivizing conversions from short term rentals to long term rentals), removing barriers and supporting individuals that wish to add Accessory Dwelling Units, sharing ideas with other communities to replicate successful programs, and soliciting ideas from community members. I also support the continuation of successful programs like Buy Downs, Housing Helps, public-private partnerships, land banking — and continuing our efforts by strategically building and planning ahead based on our housing needs and a diversity of housing stock.


Are there any other key issues on your campaign platform that you would like to share with us?

Yes, most of my priorities are focused on strategically planning for the future – supporting our workforce, improving infrastructure, managing capacity, and increasing communications and community involvement. For more information, please visit www.CarolforBreck.com, and if you have any questions or would like to connect, I’d love to chat, please email me at CarolforBreck@gmail.com.